Noi Italiani D`Oggi (NIDO), Poughkeepsie, NY

What Do We Do

NIDO’s activities fall into these categories:

Monthly Meetings of the General Membership and guests.  These meetings are free.  They generally consist of a short business meeting, an educational presentation by a guest lecturer, and a period of refreshments to allow relaxed interaction with lecturer.

Sponsorship and/or promotion of the language through such things as: academic scholarships, formal Italian Language classes; lectures on Italian literature, art, or history; discussion groups that foster conversational Italian.

Sponsorship and/or promotion of related cultural and social events that foster an appreciation of the Italian heritage in such things as Italian opera, dancing, food, and music.


Some Examples of Monthly Meeting Activities


Lecture and discussion:  Culinary Institute of America executives on Italian food preparation program and on plans for expansion of program.

Lecture and discussion:  Exploring Italian poetry lead by an Associate Professor of SUNY-New Paltz

Promotion:  The NY Historical Society’s Italian Heritage programs

Italian Food & Culture:  Wine tasting, Italian food, music, singing, and dance.

Lecture and discussion:  Lecture by world famous Italian author, on the changing Sociopolitical Economic Climate.

Italian Food & Culture:  Italian style Christmas entertainment (Italian singers and musician) and food.

Lecture and discussion:  Lecture by world famous Italian artist on the style and purpose of a particular painting form.

Lecture and discussion:  Lecture by world famous Italo-American educator and college professor of languages on the Origin and History of the Italian Language from a new perspective.

Lecture and discussion:  Topics for exploration by general membership ranging from war time experiences in Italy, to making it as an accomplished person in America.

Italian Culture:  Opera sponsored in conjunction with local not-for-profit theater (Madama Butterfly by professional opera company).

 Lecture and discussion:  Lecture by accomplished local educator and school administrator (principal and superintendent) on the earliest Italian immigrants to our local area (dating to pre-Revolutionary times).

Presentation of scholarships to High School students.

Lecture and discussion:  Lecture by famous author and college professor on Italian-American literature.

Lecture and discussion:  Lecture by college professor on the history and culture of Bologna.

talian Food & Culture:  Italian food, music, singing, and dance.

Lecture and discussion:  Lecture by and discussion by journalist for leading Italian language newspaper in America on the mechanics and principles of such journalism.

Lecture and discussions: 

Italian Food & Culture:  Italian style Christmas entertainment

Italian Culture:  Opera sponsorship (Don Giovanni )